


Women’s Human Rights; Illiteracy and poverty; Education; Right to Education; School dropout and educational inequity.



Global Goal


Questioning; Critical Thinking; Compare and contrast; Collaboration; Communication.

Age Group

12-13 years / Grade 8




Even in this day and age, exist perils like child marriage. While child marriage is a human rights violation, most people do not seem to find it a violation worth fighting against. This truly inspiring story from Club Tuseme, Ceg Tindji, Zou, Benin highlights the boldness and critical thinking skills of the young superheroes.

While the adults are either enforcing this evil or are silent spectators, the brave kids decide to fight the problem. After analyzing the situation among the community members, these determined souls used their skills to spread awareness about important ideas like the right to education and right age for marriage.

Lesson Plan


· Show the video and ask students to share what they feel about the video.


· Women's Human Rights are seemed not to be ensured in Benin. How is the current situation in your country? Have you ever thought about that? Students can do in-depth research on it and then hold a long discussion.


· Relationship between illiteracy and poverty. "Literacy is also a driver for sustainable development in that it enables greater participation in the labour market; improved child and family health and nutrition; reduces poverty and expands life opportunities," according to the UNESCO. Students can do in-depth research on it and hold a discussion.


· Education is key to… Students can complete this sentence so that ideas can be shared. Some other questions could be: what does school mean for you?; why do you come to school?; what do you like most about your school?; how is your school?; how would the school of your dreams look like? A discussion can be carried out.


· "Education is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948." The teacher can play the next video TED-Ed video to introduce this topic. Then, students can reflect upon this issue: are Human Rights upheld or violated around the world? Their contributions must be based on real and current data to bring added value.


· Teacher can have a session on school dropout rates and educational inequity. Teach For All has shared some stories which can be interesting to bring to the classroom in order to make students aware of this global problem. Which role can students play in solving this challenge? Have they observed this problem in their community?