


Proactively look out for safety first.



Global Goal



Age Group

7-8 years / Grade 3




Bhutan has brought to us an inspiring story about a group of young leaders from Ragaytung Primary School, Chukka, who care about others. These proactive thinkers identified a safety issue on their way to school and mobilized the community to actively help with taking care of the situation.

These kids used their visualization skills to set a clear vision on what they were trying to accomplish while also being aware of consequences if the goals were not met. With those goals, the students set out to accomplish their mission of maintaining safety and avoiding accidents. These young superheroes teach us the power of leadership and visualization. They also teach us to proactively take steps to maintain safety and well-being of self and others around.

Lesson Plan


Start with a personal story of how you wish you had proactively ensured safety. You can use the following example:

I had once taken a few kids out to the playground to play. While I was busy in ensuring that the kids did not get hurt by obvious accidents like falling off the swing, I ignored a potential indirect problem of there being many loose and broken toys scattered in the playground. Unfortunately, one of the parent while running after their kid tripped and fell and hurt their knee. She was not hurt badly thankfully but in that moment I wished someone (maybe even I) had proactively ensured better safety in the playground.

DFC Video Activity:

Play the video BTC2014 Bhutan: Bamboo-zled (  

Activity (Time to Tidy-up):

  1. After hearing the story about the playground, discuss consequences of having a messy classroom. Ask children what would happen if toys or trash were left where they could cause people to trip. Have any of the children ever hurt themselves tripping over toys?
  2. Show children the boxes and bags and ask how they could be used to make the room safer. Designate which box you would like in which part of the room, and which bags you would like to use for trash and recycling.
  3. Invite children to decorate the storage boxes. Draw pictures and print word labels under those pictures and drawings to help children identify where to put toys during clean-up.
  4. Once boxes and bags are ready, hold a practice clean-up. Ask them to identify obstacles that could be dangerous and cause them to trip or hurt themselves. Engage children in a discussion about how these situations can be prevented. Then, as a group, place items in the appropriate newly decorated boxes and bags to make the classroom environment safe.

Teacher Tip: Allow kids to visualize what they are trying to achieve, along with the challenges and consequences of not ensuring safety.

Closing the Loop and Assessment:

Emphasize on the idea that thinking proactively about working on important issues like safety shows leadership values. Highlight the importance of being able to visualize what you are trying to achieve while also understanding the challenges and consequences of not reaching that set vision.

At the close of the session, ask the students to think, pair, share about 1-2 actions they would do differently after this lesson.

Suggested activity: Identify situations around you that require major visualization before taking actions in order to maximize chances of positive impact.