Solve problems and create situations with all four operations
Being Responsible, Developing Citizenship
Global Goal

Problem Solving, Collaboration, Creativity
Age Group
7-8 years / Grade 3
Learning Standards
Conceptual understanding of all 4 operations
Get inspired by these young superheroes from School Number 29 of Barker Station, Uruguay, who were bothered about not having a Science Lab in their school. They set out on the journey of building and developing their learning environment in a creative way by going through different websites and learning programmes. Finally they installed new resources /equipments in their Science Lab and impacted 62 students.
Lesson Plan
Hook: Show this video to your students in your Math session and initiate the conversation by asking them what do they feel about these Superheroes from Uruguay. They saw a problem regarding NO Science lab in their school and they thought about a solution. Ask your students that ‘In which way can you make Math fun for your younger buddies in school?’