JUST FOR KICKS (INDIA) Loknete Yashwantrao Chavan Vidyaniketan, Maharashtra, INDIA

Health and Physical Education


Health and Physical Education

Knows strategies and skills that are used to attain personal health goals


Being responsible, Building citizenship, Build consistency

Global Goal


Research skills, Questioning, Reasoning, Collaboration

Age Group

12-13 Years / Grade 7




This is an inspiring story of young superheroes from Loknete Yashwantrao Chavan Vidyaniketan Rashmi English Medium School, Pune, India. They were bored by just studying in the classroom without any physical activity and shared their concern with their teacher. They grabbed this opportunity of designing their own physical fitness programme and came up with a few exercises to get better with their football game. They not only impacted the students in their school but went out to 7 other schools in the neighbourhood and coached them for a football game.

Lesson Plan

  • Hook: Show this video to your students and initiate the conversation with your students regarding the Sports programme designed by the students.
  • Challenge your students and ask them to design a Sports Day for their younger buddies in the school (maybe one grade or an entire Key Stage) and take this up as a project for 10 days. Suggestion: Show this video for your students to get a better idea OR you can check it out beforehand as part of your planning. Click here
  • Ask your students to use a Thinking Routine of CAF (Considering all Factors) before they get into action.
  • After looking at all the factors, ask students to decide which group they would like to work for. Let them choose the group based on their own strengths. For example Game committee, Research committee, Ground committee, Resource committee, Invitation committee
  • Ask them to decide on a timeline for the Sports event and start working on it by designing the Sports Day WITH the younger buddies.
  • Let your students be a fly on the wall and observe their younger buddies on the playground. Ask them to check what kind of sports / games do the younger ones play.
  • Ask them to do research on the developmental milestones of their target audience. This will help your students to understand their buddies well and then design games which are appropriate for their age.
  • Ask your students to prototype the games with their younger buddies and get feedback. Prototyping the games will help them to refine their instructions and add fun elements to the games.
  • Remember to have a mock Sports Day before the D-Day. It will help the students to be better prepared.
  • This project will help you to integrate different subjects like Math (ground measurements), Science(understand the developmental milestones of younger buddies, food ,diet, warm up  and cool down exercises), English (writing down their reflections, drafting invitation letters, writing the instructions for how to play the game…etc)
  • Remember to invite parents / teacher team/ other school students / elder buddies of your school to come for the Sports Day designed by your students. Let them share their process with the audience.